Monday 20 August 2012

Week 4: Pussy Riots

Week 4's lecture discussed the idea of cyberspace and cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is a dark genre that predicts the future as a dystopian society as a result of futuristic technology combining with the human being (Cyberpunk review, 2012). Some common themes associated with cyberpunk suggest that machines are the apex of society with direct control over humans through corporate control (Cyberpunk review, 2012). Our lecturer Stephen Stockwell mentioned that a modern day example of cyberpunk can be found in the band Pussy Riot.

Over the past few months the Russian feminest punk band 'Pussy Riot' has created mass media coverage all over the world. According to the, three of the six band members have been sentenced to two years in prison after being arrested in February for 'hooliganism motivated by religious hatred' (Elder, 2012). The women were protesting against Russian president Vladimir Putin's repressive regime through a "Punk prayer" for democracy (Berger, 2012). The act for justice was conducted in a Russian Orthodox Church which was recorded and published on youtube and can be found here.
A quote from The Huffington Post's Rose Marie Berger clarifies the meaning of the women's protests for those who may not understand why:

"The performance on the altar of Christ the Savior Orthodox Church is shocking, evocative. But I'd argue that it is not blasphemy against God. To blaspheme means to injure the reputation of a religious deity or holy person or thing. The punk band actually treated God and Mary with a certain level of respect. However, they do injure the reputation of an institutional hierarchy that too often promotes a theology more akin to a Russian civil religion rather than Christian faith." (Berger, 2012)

These women much like our fictional characters in cyberpunk are fighting against the machine and are trying to restore the natural balance of power in the world we live in. This news is devastating for these women, for their families and for their fellow band members. These women have shocked an entire nation and it is clear that although they will be imprisoned, their mission for change will not be stopped and will be completed.

Berger, Rose Marie. "Pussy Riot Sentencing: Can't Jail Female Fury." The Huffington Post. N.p., 19 Aug. 2012. Web. 21 Aug. 2012.
Elder, Miriam. "Pussy Riot Sentenced to Two Years in Prison Colony over Anti-Putin Protest." The N.p., 17 Aug. 2012. Web. 21 Aug. 2012.
Unknown. "What Is Cyberpunk?" Cyberpunk Review. N.p., 19 Feb. 2007. Web. 21 Aug. 2012.

Annotation: All of the references used were very insightful and helpful and took my knowledge of the topic to another level. I really enjoyed using all the references as they were very academic and all three gave various perspectives on the topic at hand.

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